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Using Scotchgard Fabric Protector on Antique Rugs

Scotchgard Fabric Protector adds another layer of protection for your antique Persian and Oriental rugs, either before placing them back in your home or before storing them in a climate-controlled storage facility. Scotchgard carpet and rug protector prevents dirt and grime buildup, repels moisture, protects your rug from stains, enhances the rug’s natural beauty, and preserves the lifespan of the rug. If you’ve invested in an expensive rug, or have an antique rug that has been in the family for generations, our experts at Taghavi’s Oriental Rugs can protect your investment by applying Scotchgard Fabric Protector to your rug.

Benefits of Adding Scotchgard

If you’re not familiar with Scotchgard products and aren’t sure if it’s really necessary to use Scotchgard Fabric Protector on your antique Persian or Oriental rug, take a look at these benefits of 3M Scotchgard:

Durability and Protection – Scotchgard Fabric Protector offers another layer of protection for expensive or valuable rugs. Scotchgard carpet and rug protector keeps dirt and grime from settling into your carpet fibres, extending the lifespan of the rug and making it more durable. Scotchgard rug protector also protects against water damage, mold and bacteria growth, and oil and water-based stains. If your rug is in a high-traffic area or you’re preparing it for storage, Scotchgard carpet protector will ensure its value and beauty are maintained.

Easier Cleanup – Scotchgard Fabric Protector also makes it easier to remove spills and moisture from your rug. Rather than staining the rug, you can easily blot up spills. The carpet fibres will resist soiling and staining.

Improves Indoor Air Quality – 3M Scotchgard carpet and rug protector will also improve your indoor air quality by helping your rug resist dirt and grime that may contain harmful allergens or contaminants. Scotchgard also makes vacuuming easier and more effective.

Cost-Effective – Scotchgard carpet protector is long-lasting, so you only need to apply it every year. This will save you money on professional carpet cleaning.

Our Other Services

At Taghavi’s Oriental Rugs, we offer professional antique rug cleaning, and we also specialize in protecting expensive and valuable rugs with Scotchgard Fabric Protector and insect and pest repellents. If you have your rug professionally cleaned by our staff, we will include rug protection as well. If your rug hasn’t been cleaned in over a year, or if you’re putting your rug into or taking it out of storage, contact us to schedule an appointment for rug cleaning and protection. We also offer expert rug repair services, and can provide a appraisals of the value or your Oriental or Persian rug.

Guaranteed Satisfaction

Our staff has decades of experience in appraising, evaluating, cleaning, and repairing new and antique Persian and Oriental rugs. The Taghavi family has been providing our expert services to the Memphis, TN area since 1977. Ali Taghavi is a master at hand-crafting quality rugs, and he has been crafting Oriental rugs since 1950, when he was taught at the age of 5. We know that anyone who visits our store to buy a rug or have their rug appraised, cleaned, repaired, or evaluated will be completely satisfied with our services.

Protect Your Antique Rugs With Scotchgard Fabric Protector

If you’re ready to have your rug expertly cleaned and protected with 3M Scotchgard, call us today to set up an appointment. We are committed to providing each one of our customers with the highest quality services, and we have decades of experience in Oriental and Persian rugs, particularly valuable or antique rugs. Whether you’re looking for a new rug or want your rug appraised, cleaned, or repaired, we can help you. Just call us today or contact us online.

We Care for Oriental Rugs the Way They Should Be